Maps of chaos overkill
Maps of chaos overkill

Lots of blood, sweat and tears have gone into this. Overkill has played their brand of speed/thrash metal for more than fifteen years. It's their music and no one can dictate otherwise. They play metal music as it is meant to be played: hard, fast and without consideration for anyone. Honest, passionate, and, above all, sincere. Like a diamond in the rough, Overkill is a gem of a band. There are a few that have survived the wicked ways of the business, but few ever really recover from what they have been through.

maps of chaos overkill

Many bands, over the years, have been exhausted, beaten to a pulp and left for dead.

maps of chaos overkill

Few bands have lasted in this crazy business that some of us refer to as the music industry.

Maps of chaos overkill